Raw materials form the base, just like declarations
Many of our tastes are developed from vegetable-based raw materials, even beef, pork and chicken tastes. We work closely with our customers to create the perfect taste. First of all, we need to know whether there are certain requirements which the taste must fulfil. What will it be used for? Dry or liquid? Kosher, halal, allergen-free? What about local legislation? What information should be printed on the packaging?
Depending on the requirements, we will decide on the raw materials to be used. Our product developers fly all over the world to find the right and best raw materials.
Our quality is registered
Here at Exter, we have a set procedure to ensure that we only use the best quality, in a safe manner and within the law. We do this for the customer, the consumer and for Exter staff. The quality assurance system consists of a handbook, procedures and other documents such as instructions, registration forms and checklists. Our QA system is approved and registered by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance for ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000.